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Mercari ML&Search Talk #3 ~MLOps & Platform~

主催 : mercari

Mercari ML&Search Talk #3 ~MLOps & Platform~
ハッシュタグ :#mercari_ai
2022/04/21(木) 19:00 ~ 20:35

2022/03/23(水) 11:39 〜
2022/04/21(木) 20:35まで




視聴方法 / How to watch

YouTube Live https://t.co/OYnaABweR3

申込方法 / How to Sign Up

Applications are now closed. Thank you for your application.

イベント概要 / Event Summary

※ 日・英 同時通訳あり
メルカリのミッションを実現するため、複数のチームがMLを応用したプロダクトの企画、開発、分析を進めています。「Mercari ML&Search Talk」と題した一連のイベントでは、PMやMLエンジニアがメルカリで使われている技術やその応用について発表します。また、その後の質疑応答で発表の内容やみなさまから事前に頂いた質問について深堀りしていきます!

テーマ例: ・メルカリのPersonalization ・メルカリのお客さま理解のための機械学習

第3回は、MLやSearchに関係する基盤をメインテーマとして紹介させていただきます。メルカリでは、様々なチームがMLやSearchを用いてサービスの改善を進めています。その裏側では、基盤が各チームをサポートしているからこそ、それらの機能を簡単に提供することが実現できています。今回は、MLOpsを担うML Platformチーム、Search As A Serviceを担うSearch Infraチーム、Edge AIの基盤を担うEdge AI Platformチームからそれぞれ発表をする予定です。

※ JP+ EN with interpretation
To realize Mercari's mission, we plan, develop, and analyze products that use ML. In a series of events entitled "Mercari ML&Search Talk," PMs and ML engineers will present the technologies used in Mercari and their applications. In addition, we will dig deeper into the presentations and the questions we received in advance in the Q/A session!

Examples of themes: Personalization at Mercari / Machine learning for understanding customers at Mercari

In #3, we would like to talk about platforms related to ML and Search as the main theme. At Mercari, various teams use ML and Search to improve their services. Behind the scenes, it's easy to provide those features because the platform supports each team. This time, we plan to make presentations from the ML Platform team responsible for MLOps, the Search Infra team responsible for Search As A Service, and the Edge AI Platform team responsible for the platform of Edge AI.

メルカリのミッション / Mercari's mission

メルカリのミッション 「新たな価値を生みだす世界的なマーケットプレイスを創る」

Mercari's mission is to "Create value in a global marketplace where anyone can buy & sell."
Thanks to technology, individuals around the world can now easily connect to buy and sell from each other. Through Mercari, we aim to establish a society where resources are circulated and where people can accomplish their goals without limitations. To eliminate "throwing away," we are developing the marketplace app "Mercari" in Japan and the United States, which allows individuals to buy and sell goods easily and safely. https://about.mercari.com/

過去のイベント / Past events

参加方法 / How to join


The event will be held online.
We will inform you of the details of how to participate by e-mail at a later date. Those who cannot participate in real-time will also see the archived one after the event.

当日の流れ / Timeline

Time Contents Speakers Language
19:00-19:10 Opening
19:10-19:35 Build ML platform using Open-Source @subodh101, @aman 日・英 同時通訳あり / JP+ EN with interpretation
19:35-20:00 How search system evolves in mercari @shinpei 日・英 同時通訳あり / JP+ EN with interpretation
20:00-20:25 How to grow EdgeAI products @tkato 日・英 同時通訳あり / JP+ EN with interpretation
20:25-20:35 全体Q&A + Closing

※内容、タイムテーブルは変更になる可能性がございます / Contents and timetable can be changed.

登壇者プロフィール / Speakers

Subodh Pushkar (@subodh101)

A tech enthusiast, loves frameworks and a dreamer. Joined Mercari in 2018, since then working on different areas of ML and its operations and sometimes contributing to OSS.

Aman Kumar Singh (@aman)

Aman joined Mercari in Oct 2018 and is now mainly in charge of handling Machine Learning Platform and Infrastructure.

shinpei (@shinpei)

Shinpei joined mercari in 2018. TL for search platform team. Have been working with search engines for over years.

Tomohiro Kato (@tkato)

Tomohiro joined Mercari in March 2021. In the past, he worked in software development for precision instruments and in-vehicle equipment. Currently he is leading web applications using Edge AI.

行動規範について / About the Code of Conduct


This event is a place to share information with participants. Therefore, all participants, including the organizer, are required to agree to the Code of Conduct described on the page below. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

資料 資料をもっと見る/編集する




mercari_event さんが書き込みました。

2022/04/21 19:25

以下URLよりYouTube Liveにてイベントをご視聴いただけます。 みなさんのご参加をお待ちしております! (※YouTube Liveストリーミングでの同時通訳はありません。予めご承知おきください)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fo5YyRqRII


mercari_event さんが Mercari ML&Search Talk #3 ~MLOps & Platform~ を公開しました。

2022/03/23 11:50

Mercari ML&Search Talk #3 ~MLOps & Platform~ を公開しました!




2022/03/23(水) 11:39 〜
2022/04/21(木) 20:35


